Sh.S. Kaghktsyan, L.K. Moshetova, K.I. Turkina, D.A. Sychev Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Barrikadnaya St., 2/1, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation

Retinal vascular occlusion is one of the most severe vascular lesions of the eye, leading to permanent disability. Approximately 16 million adults in the world have this pathology at the age over 40 years. Typically, the disease occurs acutely as a result of mechanical obstruction at the level of the central retinal vein (CRV) or its branches. It is known that the occlusion of the retinal vessels can be caused by external compression of the pathologically changed artery or by intravascular factors such as hypercoagulable syndrome and thrombophilia. Nevertheless, despite the large number of publications devoted to this problem, the etiology of the disease remains to be unknown and views on the pathogenesis differ and sometimes contradict each other. One of the factors leading to occlusion of the retinal vessels is the polymorphism of genes encoding products of coagulation system regulation which lead to changes in hemodynamics. It should be noted that in recent years occlusion of retinal vessels is observed more frequently among young people, according to this more attention is paid to genetic factors. Fundamental works in recent years indicate to significant contribution to the genetic «damage» in the hemostatic system. This makes it necessary to study and develop diagnostic criteria of occlusion of retinal vessels, through the study of the mechanisms of coagulation disorders and genetic damage.
occlusion of retinal vessels, genetic factors of the coagulation system, thrombophilia

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