I.N. Abdurasulova (1), V.I. Lioudyno (1), Y.L. Zitnukhin (1), A.V. Matsulevich (1), G.N. Bisaga (2), V.M. Klimenko (1) 1 -Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Institute of Experimental medicine, Acad. Pavlov str., 12, Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation; 2 -S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Acad. Lebedev str., 6, Saint-Petersburg, 194044, Russian Federation

Introduction. Glatiramer acetate (GA, copaxone) – is an immunomodulatory drug, used for reducing the progression of multiple sclerosis. The absence of optimal therapeutic effect in some cases determines the necessity to search the prognostic markers of GA efficacy. It is known that reducing of relapses frequency and disability progression may be observed in 60–70% GA-treated patients. It could be suggested that neuropeptide galanin is one of the genes-candidates, influencing to individual response for GA, because the increase of galanin gene expression is correlated with the intensity of reparative processes in injured brain. The aim of the study. Was the comparative analysis of GA efficiency in Wistar rats carried the variants of the galanin gene with different level of the transcriptional activity. Methods. The rat model of multiple sclerosis, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was used. The signs of a vulnerability to the induction of EAE and disease severity were compared. The serum background levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL1β and IL17A as well as EAE-induced dynamics of its content were measured by ELISA. Results. The maximal treatment response to GA was obtained in homozygous carriers of ACT allele, the polymorphic variant with the high level of the transcriptional activity. It was revealed also the different dynamics of IL1β level in GA treated homozygous carriers of ACT allele and homozygous carriers of GTG allele during the EAE. The basal level of IL1β was significantly lower in ACT homozygotes compared with the GTG homozygotes. Conclusion. These findings provide the new aspects of GA pharmacogenetics and point to the relevance of the clinical studies led to elucidate the association between the polymorphic variants of the galanin gene and treatment response to GA in patients with the multiple sclerosis.
multiple sclerosis, glatiramer acetate, pharmacogenetics, cytokines

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