T.B. Tretyakova, N.S. Demchenko, N.V. Bashmakova, N.R. Shabunina-Basok, A.E. Kaukova Ural Scientific Research Institute of Maternity and Infancy Welfare, Repina str., 1, Yekaterinburg, 620028, Russian Federation

Introduction. High rate of non-developing pregnancy in the structure of reproductive loss dictates the need to identify the etiological factors of this disease at different levels of organization of alive matter. The aim of the study. The search for associations of polymorphic variants of the gene with vascular endothelial growth factor-impaired angiogenesis in villi in the conditions of non-developing pregnancy Methods. The were examined DNA samples taken from 116 women with non-developing pregnancy during first trimester and 117 women with normal obstetric history on polymorphisms of VEGF-A: -634 G>C and VEGF-A: 936 C>T gene vascular endothelial growth factor, there was used allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in «real time». The karyotype of the embryo and the degree of vascularization of the chorionic villi during non-developing pregnancy was investigated by standard cytogenetic and morphological methods. Results. The complete absence of the formation of blood vessels in trophoblast was shown to occur significantly more often due to chromosomal abnormality of the embryo (р=0,046, OR=2,72, 95% CL 1–7,36). In women with hypovascularization and avascularizationin villi the frequency of genotypes of VEGF-A -634 CC and GC was revealed to be a higher than in the comparison group (p=0,04; OR=1,87; CL 95% 1,02–3,44). Conclusion. The established association of the polymorphic allele of VEGF-A: -634C gene vascular endothelial factor growth-impaired angiogenesis in villi during non-developing pregnancy can be used on pregravidstage for the formation of groups at the risk of feto-placental dysfunction for early prevention of perinatal complications and losses.
non-developing pregnancy, angiogenesis, gene polymorphism of vascular endothelial growth factor

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