I.V. Maiborodin(1), R.V. Maslov(1), T.V. Mikheeva(1), A.A. Elovskiy(3), N.F. Figurenko(1), V.I. Maiborodina(2), A.I. Shevela(1), V.V. Anishchenko(3) 1-The Center of New Medical Technologies, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Akademika Lavrenteva str., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation; 2-Institute of Molecular Pathology and Pathomorphology, Akademika Timakova, 2, Novosibirsk, 630117, Russian Federation; 3-JSC Medical Center «Avicenna», Uritskogo str., 2, Novosibirsk, 630007, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The use of cell technologies has particular effectiveness in the correction of the experimental venous thrombosis and acute local obstruction to the blood outflow. Autologic multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells of a bone marrow origin (AMMSCBMO) participate in a recanalization of the blood clot and formation of new vessels that leads to the faster restitution of a blood flow in the tissue microenvironment of the affected vein. The aim of the study. To study a possibility of an angiogenesis in rat tissues remote from the place of AMMSCBMO injection, as a result of the migration of injected cells through vessels. Methods. A condition of the fatty tissue around the inguinal lymph nodes after injection of AMMSCBMO with a transfected GFP-gene through the skin into a projection of the ligated rat femoral vein was studied by the method of a fluorescent light microscopy.Results. 1–2 weeks after the introduction of AMMSCBMO shallow vessels of the capillary type with a bright luminescence of cells in the wall were found in a paranodal fatty tissue. Conclusion. After the injection of AMMSCBMO in tissues, these cells can partially get intoblood and lymphatic vessels. As a result, the angiogenesis with AMMSCBMO participation is possible, at least, in a fatty tissue around the regional lymph nodes that is remote from the place of the injection of AMMSCBMO, and, it is not excluded, in other organs and tissues of the organism.
multipotent mesenchymalstromal cells, regional lymph nodes, angiogenesis in remote tissues

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