N.V. Solov’eva(1), E.V. Makarova(1, 2), V.B. Vil’yanov(1), S.A. Kremenitskaya(1), S.V. Chausova(3), I.V. Kichuk(3), D.V. Shibalev(4), V.A. Vasilyev(4) 1-Scientific Center of Personalized Medicine, Bolshaya Pochtovaya str., 20/3, Moscow, 105082, Russian Federation; 2-National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology, Novyi Arbat, 32, Moscow, 121099, Russian Federation; 3-N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ostrovityanova str. 1, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation; 4-Institute of Gene Biology, Vavilova str. 34/5, Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The androgen receptor (AR) gene MIGHR is known to be associated with transsexualism. Bone tissue is one of the target organs for androgens. Trochanteric index (TI) (ratio of height to the leg length) may indicate the organism androgenization level during puberty. It is interesting to identify the peculiarities of this process in the trans-person population. The aim of the study. To identify the connection between androgen receptor (AR) gene CAG-polymorphism and skeletal formation type in transgender persons. Methods. The study involved 262 patients above 18 years with the diagnosis of transsexualism (121 MtF, 141 FtM). Mental and sexual status; trochanteric index (TI); and genetic analysis (AR gene polymorphism) was estimated. Results. The average TI in the MtF group accounts for 1,93±0,03, which represents hypo-evolutive type of skeletal development. For FtM group TI was 2,01±0,04, that matches frontier between normal evolutive and hyper-evolutionary types. Differences in TI values in the MtF and FtM were significant (p=0,000). The MtF and FtM groups showed significant differences in the number of СAG repeats (p=0,000). A strong negative correlation was found between the TI value and number of CAG repeats in both groups (R=-0,24; p=0,000). Conclusion. TI is associated with polymorphism of AR. FtM population is characterized by a less number of CAG repeats in the AR gene compared to MtF, a higher TI, and a tendency toward a hyper-evolutionary type of the formation of the skeleton. The MtF population otherwise is characterized by a hypo-evolutive type of the formation of the skeleton.
transsexualism, androgen receptor, growth plate, trochanteric index, MtF, FtM

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