N.V. Savinova, O.V. Danilova, E.G. Butolin, V.A. Vyatkin Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Kommunarov St., 281, Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic, 426034, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The risk of bone tissue disturbance leading to a disability of diabetes mellitus patients brisks up the study of the mechanisms of diabetic osteopathy. The aim of the study. To study the indices of collagen exchange, the content of components of a mineral matrix of compact and spongy bone tissue in rats with alloxan diabetes. Methods. In the diaphysis of the femur and the body of the second lumbar vertebra of rats have been determined: the level of carboxyterminal telopeptide of collagen type I using the method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (β-CrossLaps; ELISA); the amount of total collagen, as well as neutral salt-soluble collagen basing on the concentration of hydroxyproline applying in colorimetric method; the content of calcium and phosphorus using the method of atomic emission spectroscopy with inductive bind plasma. All the readings mentioned above were studied on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day after injecting alloxan tetrahydrate. Results. A decrease in a quantity of neutral salt-soluble collagen was noted in the bone tissue of experimental rats, that points out the synthesis of a given biopolymer inhibition. The concentration of β-CrossLaps – the marker of collagen decay – was increasing in the tissues studied since the 14th day of the research. Total collagen content in the femur was reduced at the 21st and 28th days of the experiment, and in the vertebra during the whole period of observation. The processes of collagen catabolism activation were accompanied by diminution of calcium and phosphorus content both in the femur and vertebra. Conclusion. In the bone tissue of alloxan-induced rats, the processes of degradation prevailed. It resulted in the decrease both of total collagen content and mineral matrix components.
diabetes, bone tissue, collagen, β-CrossLaps, mineral matrix

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