N.V. Savinova, O.V. Danilova, S.E.Perevedentseva, S. R. Trofimova, N.G. Naumova Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Kommunarov St., 281, Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic, 426034, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. Developing of chronic emotional stress reduces adaptive capabilities of people ill with diabetes mellitus causing the condition of decompensation with significant elevation of counterinsular hormones production and further progressive metabolic disturbances in the body tissues. Wherein, studying metabolism of the main structural component of the connective tissue, – collagen, is of interest since qualitative and quantitative changes of the given biopolymer metabolism are considered to be one of the chief link of diabetes mellitus pathogenesis. The aim of the study. To study the indices of collagen metabolism in tissues of rats with experimental diabetes developing under prolonged emotional stress. Methods. Total collagen content, neutral salt-soluble collagen and free hydroxyproline were determined in the myocardium, the liver and diaphysis of the right femur in diabetic rats under prolonged influence of stress factors applying the colorimetric method. Listed above indices were studied in dynamics of the experiment on the 10th, 20th and 30th day. Results. Stress load in alloxan-induced animals with diabetes caused changings in collagen metabolism in the organs studied. Significant accumulation of total collagen was noted in the liver, mainly due to intensification processes of synthesis. In the myocardium it was noted speed increase of collagen synthesis on the 10th and 20th days of the experiment, activation of decay processes occurred in the last decade. In the bone tissue the content of total collagen in animals with combined impact did not differ from the indice in diabetic rats. Conclusion. Daily stress impacts on animals with alloxan diabetes stimulated the accumulation of total collagen in the liver, caused phase changings of collagen metabolism indices in the myocardium, but they did not aggravate the decrease of the total collagen content in the bone tissue, observed in experimental diabetes.
diabetes, stress, collagen, liver, myocardium, bone

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