Glukhov A.I., Nalobin D.S., Lesnichuk S.A., Miroshnichenko D.V., Gordeev S.A.

Introduction. At the preoperative stage, the leading diagnostic method for nodular thyroid lesions today is a fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). However the use of FNAB can provide the relatively high portion of poor-information samples (up to 30%) due to the obtaining not enough material. The method of puncture thyroid histo-biopsy allows obtaining more material of the higher quality. It should be noted that a differential diagnosis of a number of tumors of the thyroid gland is impossible even in the implementation of histobiopsy. In particular in follicular tumors, the diagnosis of malignant lesions is confirmed by the identification of the sprouting of the capsule of the node, which requires a planned histological examination of the entire mass of the tumor. Thus, the search for new oncomarkers is an extremely urgent task for today. The proliferative potential of tumor cells is closely related to the presence of active telomerase in them. Telomerase activity is found in 90% of malignant tumors, which makes this marker very informative in the analysis of oncopathologies. The aim of the study is investigation of the level of telomerase activity in thyroid tissue samples after puncture histobiopsy of nodal neoplasmas Methods. In this work a non-isotopic telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay was used to analyze the activity of telomerase in samples of the thyroid tissue. Results. The presence of telomerase activity in histobiopsy specimens correlates with the presence of a malignant thyroid neoplasm, or the presence of lymphocytic infiltration in the node. This indicates the potential value of a combination of puncture thyroid biopsy of the thyroid gland and the study of telomerase activity in the obtained biopsy specimens as an effective diagnostic method in examining patients with nodular thyroid formations at the preoperative stage.
telomerase activity, thyroid neoplasms, puncture histobiopsy

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