K.Yu. Ivanov, G.L. Patochka, E.A. Nikanorova, V.I. Nagiba Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Mira pr., 37, Sarov, 607188, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The difference in the responsibility of organisms’ influences on the results of biological experiments and medical intervention. The chromatin conformational state is one of the main factors determining the cell response to the effect of different factors. Aim of the study. Analysis of individual features of the chromatin conformation variation in a case of hyperthermia (heat shock), irradiation and exposure to the low-frequency magnetic field. Material and Methods. The research is performed using blood cells of white outbred male rats and human blood cells in vitro. The chromatic conformational state was determined with the help of the anomalous viscosity time dependence method. Results. The effect of the studied factors led to a stereotyped chromatin conformation change expressed as decondensation. The individual particulars in a case of heat shock and irradiation are manifested themselves in the dependence on the decondensation degree on the chromatin conformational state prior to the exposure. After the exposure to the magnetic field, the initial differences in the chromatin conformational state and reactivity indices became less expressed. Conclusion. There are individual differences in the chromatin conformation variations as a result of exposure to different factors and they determine the opportunity of predicting the individual features based on the initial conformational state evaluation.
blood cells, chromatin conformational state, anomalous viscosity time dependence method, heat shock, ionizing radiation, low-intensity magnetic field, individual peculiarities

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