A.I. Shapovalova(1), A.A. Tsypurdeeva(1), M.I. Kakhiani(1), E.N. Popov(1), V.O. Polyakova(1, 2) 1-D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductology, Mendeleevskaya line, 3, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; 2-Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetskayay Emb., 7/9, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. Leiomyomas also called fibroids, is the most common benign gynecological tumor in premenopausal women. The complex pathogenesis shows multiple biogenetical and multifactorial aspects to influence the etiology and growth of leiomyomas. A clinical and morpho-immunohistochemical study of 40 patients aged from 25 to 43 years with diagnosed uterine myoma was conducted. As a result, the presence of two variants of the development of myomatous nodes as simple fibroids and proliferating fibroids in the reproductive age was confirmed with the latter to be more prevailed. The myomatous node arising from progenitor muscle cells of the vascular wall is characterized by increased expression of p53 protein in women over 36 years, high expression of growth factors (VEGF and VEGFR), the formation of a capillary network and low apoptosis, which causes their rapid growth (proliferating development). The aim of the study. To study the correlation of expression of p53, type II collagen, VEGF and VEGFR in biopsy specimens of intact myometrium in women of different age groups. Methods. Immunofluorescence and morphometric analysis of p53 proteins, type II collagen, VEGF and VEGFR using Olympus FV1000. Results. The average area of p53 protein expression in the second group was higher (p>0,05) and amounted to 6,3±2,74, while in the first group it accounted of 5,0±2,14. VEGF and VEGFR levels were statistically significantly (p
leiomyomas, apoptosis, proliferation, angiogenesis, growth factors

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