DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/24999490-2022-04-09

N.I. Chalisova(1, 2), G.A. Ryzhak(1), V.Kh. Khavinson(1, 2)
1-Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Dynamo pr., 3, Saint-Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation;
2-Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makarova emb., 6, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Dipeptides are physiological products of protein degradation and informational molecules. Asp-Pro, Asp-Ala, Glu-Ala peptides have geroprotective, reparative properties. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effect of the Asp-Pro, Asp-Ala и Glu-Ala peptides on the development of organotypic tissue culture (bronchi, vessels, brain subcortical structures)in young and old rats. Material and methods. Tissues for organotypic cultivation of bronchi, vessels, brain subcortical structures were obtained from young (2–3 months) and old (18–20 months) Wistar rats. Results. Asp-Pro peptide stimulated cell growth in bronchi tissues of young and old animals. Asp-Ala peptide activated cell proliferation in vessels tissues of young and old rats. Glu-Ala peptide had a stimulating effect on the brain subcortical structures tissue of young and old rats. Conclusion. Asp-Pro, Asp-Ala, Glu-Ala peptides have effects on corresponding tissues obtained from animals of different ages. This indicates the possibility of base formation for working of preparations, including the geroprotective, perfecting the functional activity of bronchi, vessels, brain subcortical structures.
dipeptides, organotypic cell tissue, cellular growth, aging

Список литературы: 
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