DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/24999490-2024-02-07

A.V. Oksuzyan, E.G. Butolin, A.D. Sutyagina, A.V. Perminov
Izhevsk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kommunarov str., 281, Izhevsk, 426056, Russian Federation

Introduction. Immobilization stress leads to the intensification of free-radical reactions leading to the destruction of sialoglycoproteins of the gastroduodenal zone. The aim of the study. To evaluate the features of the metabolism of sialoglycoproteins in the tissues of the liver, stomach and small intestine of rats under immobilization stress. Methods. Total sialic acids (TSA) and levels of sialidase activity (SA) were determined in the serum, liver, stomach, and small intestine tissues of rats by standard testing systems in dynamics on the 21st, 35th, 60th and 90th days of observation. Results. The blood serum of laboratory rats showed a maximum increase in total sialic acids and sialidases by 35 days of stress exposure, while in the liver, on the contrary, a decrease in the above-mentioned indicators. In the mucous overlays of the stomach and small intestine, the number of TSA increased throughout the dynamics of observation, and the activity of sialidase decreased by day 21 and increased in the following days of the experiment. In the wall of the stomach and small intestine of experimental rodents, the level of TSA increased by the 35th day of observation. Conclusion. During immobilization stress in the exchange of sialoglycoproteins, a compensatory predominance of anabolic processes in liver tissues was noted against the background of the prevalence of catabolism in the mucosal layer of the stomach and small intestine on days 21, 35 of observation, changes in the walls of the above organs are less pronounced and manifest themselves at a later date.
Immobilization stress, sialoglycoproteins, sialidase, mucosal layer

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