N.A. Ognerubov Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Internatsionalnaya Str., 33, Tambov, Russian Federation, 392000

Breast cancer (BC) occupies the first place in morbidity and mortality rate in females in developed counties. From the point of view of biology BC proves to be the heterogenic disease, caused by genetic variability. It determines the phenotype of tumor and sensitivity of different methods of treatment. In prognostic value and choice of an adjuvant treatment there are of great importance molecular markers, associated with the prediction of the disease. Nowadays among them there are mostly studied receptors of steroid hormones, epidermal growth factor (EGFR) and index of proliferation Ki-67. The existence of steroid receptors in tumor is the criterion of the susceptibility to the hormonal treatment. In cases with high concentration of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors more than 70% of patients response to the hormonal treatment. Hormone-dependent tumors containing at least one or both receptors, have the more favorable course and prognosis. Author in his research showed, that most favorable course is noted in cases with the ER level in tumor more than 50 fm/mg protein, and the less favorable – in patients with ER level from 25 to 50 fm/mg albumin. The favorable prognosis of the diseases was noted also in the cases with PR level up to 25 fm/mg protein in tumor. In 209 patients with locally advanced BC authors had showed that steroid hormone receptors are undergone to alterations throughout the life. So, the share of tumor ER+ before the treatment was 56,9% and after treatment – 43,1%. In 1996 the author for the first time showed results of the study of EGFR in tumor and metastatic lymph nodes in locally advanced BC cases. In that the rate of their detection was 15,3%. The author showed the negative role of EGFR in prognosis and clinic course of the disease. One of EGF receptors being Her2-neu, the hyper expression of Her2/neu is prognostically unfavorable for BC cases. Proposed in 2000 the molecular-genetic classification of BC was accepted as a basis for the choice of the rational tactics of the treatment.
breast cancer, biological subtypes, treatment, prognosis

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