V.Yu. Ul'yanov (1), I.A. Norkin (1), D.M. Puchin'yan (1), G.A. Drozdova (2), E.A. Konyuchenko (1) 1 -Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chernyshevsky Str., 148, Saratov, 410002, Russian Federation; 2 -Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation

Introduction. Owing to the intensive development of neurosciences immunoassay methods have received a widespread use. These methods allow studying the functioning features of the nervous system in trauma at the molecular level . The purpose of the study. The performance of immunological differentiation of alteration effects in the nervous tissue in acute and early periods of traumatic disease of the spinal cord on the basis of the assessment of dynamics of neurospecific proteins content in serum of patients with cervical spine injuries. Material and methods. With the use of immunoassay methodsneurospecific protein concentrations were determined in the serum of 40 patients with complicated cervical spine traumatic injuries and 40 donors. Results. Alteration of the nervous tissue in the spinal cord was revealed to be characterized by phase morpho-functional changes in cellular pool of neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Their severity correlated with the dynamics of neurospecific proteins content and antibodies in the blood serum. Conclusion. А comprehensive study of neurospecific proteins levels in blood serum allows conducting selective evaluation of the individual components of the alteration process in the nervous tissue in case of spinal cord injuries.
spinal cord, traumatic disease pathogenesis, the alteration of the nervous tissue, neurospecific proteins, enzyme immunoassay

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