V.A. Bandovkina, E.M. Frantsiyants, Yu.A. Pogorelova, N.D. Cheryarina Rostov cancer research Institute, 14 line, 63, Rostov-on-Don, 344037, Russian Federation

Introduction. Hormonal aspect in the pathogenesis of melanoma development is still poorly studied. Tumor transplantation to experimental animals allows to study the effect of malignant process on different systems and organs, detect the saturation of tumor and surrounding tissues by biologically active substances. The aim of the study. The study of the effect of transplantable melanoma B16 on local hormonogenesis in the tumor and surrounding tissues in experiment. Methods. Experimental B16 melanoma was transplanted to С57ВL/6male mice (n=40); level of steroid hormones of their predecessors as well as levels of prolactin and sex steroid-binding globulin were detected in skin, tumor, perifocal zone. All the parameters detected in intact organs and tissues of mice without melanoma were used as the control. Results. Disturbance of local hormonogenesis, aggravated throughout the tumor growth, were registered in the tumor and/or surrounding tissues during the first week after melanoma B16 transplantation. Increase of estrone and prolactin levels and decrease of levels of estradiol, testosterone and progesterone were detected in the dynamics of tumor development. Conclusion. The change in steroidogenesis in tumor and surrounding tissues is associated with the imbalance of the ratio of estrogens to androgens, predominance of estrone over other forms of estrogens in the tumor and perifocal zone, hyperprolactinemia. inappropriate SSG binding.
B16 melanoma, steroid hormones, prolactin, cholesterol, perifocal zone, sex steroid-binding globulin

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