E.M. Frantsiyants, T.I. Moiseenko, Yu.A. Pogorelova, V.P. Nikitina, D.A. Spiridonova, O.G. Selezneva, K.P. Boyko Rostov Cancer Research Institute, 14th line, 63, Rostov-on-Don, 344037, Russian Federation

Introduction. Study of growth factors content in tumors of different localizations and assessment of their probable correlation with the main clinical and morphological characteristics are relevant nowadays. Products of expression of the viral genome – E7 and E6 proteins – are considered to participate in malignant transformation of cervical epithelial tissue. The aim of the study. Study of the effect of E7 protein on the level of growth factors and their receptors in tissue of endophytic and exophytic cervical cancer. Methods. In tissues of tumor, its perifocal zone and visually unchanged tissues obtained during surgical treatment of 46 patients with histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix (endophytic – n=22, exophytic – n=24) T1b-2aN0M0 there were studied levels of VEGF, VEGFR, EGF, EGFR, SСC and E7 protein by ELISA. Results. In visually unchanged tissue and in tumor tissue VEGF level increased by 1,8 and 3,7 times respectively, and VEGF-R level increased by 1,8 and 2,1 times respectively in exophytic type of growth in E7-positive samples. The indices in endophytic type of growth increased by 3,1 and 8,8 times respectively. E7 presence in cervical cancer tissues increased the content of SCC marker by 2,5 times on average. Conclusion. After the comparison of E7 protein effect on activation of growth factors in tissue of carcinoma of the uterine cervix in two growth factors, it is possible to suppose that E7 contributes to increasing activation of VEGF-А – angiogenesis signaling pathway – in exophytic tumor tissue, while, on the contrary, E7 limits its activity in endophytic tumor tissue. The reasons of different effect of E7 protein on angiogenic activity of exophytic and endophytic tumors of the uterine cervix remain to be seen, but the results of the study confirm more aggressive course of endophytic growth pattern of carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
endophytic and exophytic carcinoma of the uterine cervix, growth factors, E7 protein

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