Bikbov M.M., Khusnitdinov I.I., Zaydullin I.S., Vildanova R.R., Sigaeva N.N.

Purpose an experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of new hydrogels based on hyaluronic acid and chitosan succinate as an agent of mitomycin C (MMC) for glaucoma surgery. Material and methods. Synthesis of hydrogel drainage (HD): The required amount of MMC was added to the prepared solution of oxidized hyaluronic acid and then added to the solution of chitosan succinate. In vivo experiment was carried outin 12 healthy chinchilla rabbits (24 eyes). In all cases, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with micro perforation was performed. The animals were divided into three experimental groups depending on the concentration of MMC in HD. The first group consisted of 6 eyes – 0,2 mg/ml, the second group – 6 eyes – 0,1 mg/ml. The third group – 6 eyes – 0,05 mg/ml. Results. The release of MMC from HD had been monitored for 1–2 months. Objective and histological examination of the surgery area showed a toxic effect of MMC at concentration of 0,2 mg/ml (single dose of 0,1 ml). HD with the concentration of 0,1 mg/ml of MMC has a toxic effect on the surrounding tissue similar to seen t in the 1 group, butin a lesser degree. By reducing the dosage of the MMC to 0,05 mg/ ml we found no side effects and the presence of intraocular fluid paths. Conclusion. In vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that MMC injected as a part of 0.1 ml hydrogel drainage for glaucoma surgery had gradually been released for 1–2 months and inhibited the proliferation of connective tissue. The optimal concentration of MMC was 0,05 mg/ml.
glaucoma, drainage, hydrogel, mitomycin C, drug delivery system

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