Glukhov A.I., Grigorieva Ya.E., Gordeev S.A., Nalobin D.S., Potoldykova N.V.

Introduction. Among malignant tumors bladder cancer (BC) ranks fifth in the prevalence rate. In the average each year 20% of BC patients die, but in the case of the making diagnosis at the early stages of the disease, survival rate of patients is increasing.Cystoscopyas minimally invasive method appears to be the «Gold standard» of the diagnosticsof BC. Nevertheless the performance of cystoscopy requires a local anesthetic and often gives rise in side effects, whereas currentlyavailable non-invasive methods fail to possess sufficient sensitivity and specificity. The proliferative potential of tumor cells is closely related to the presence of active telomerase. Telomerase activity is detectedby means of TRAP method in 90% of tumors, which makes this marker to be a highly informative in the analysis of cancer pathology. The aim of the study. The analysis of telomerase activity in the operating samples of bladder tissue and cellular urine sedimentations in BC diagnosed patients with the aim of the development of theearly noninvasive diagnosis of BC. Methods. Nonisotopic TRAP method was used for the analysis of telomerase activity in operating bladder tissue samples and cellular urine sedimentations in BC diagnosed patients. Results. There was performed the analysis of the telomerase activity in tumor bladder tissue samples and cellular bladder urine sedimentations of patients with BC and cystitis. At that the telomerase activity was detected as in tumor tissue as well in cellular bladder urine sedimentations of the each BC patient when compared to controls (cystitis). A study of the inhibitory activity of a number of samples on the efficiency of TRAP-assay was performedin order to exclude false negative results. Conclusion. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of non-invasive performance of the diagnosis of BC with the use of TRAP method with sensitivity and specificity of 96 and 100%, respectively.
bladder cancer, cystitis, telomerase, telomerase activity, non-invasive diagnosis

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