Emelyanov A.S., Emelyanova A.N., Vitkovsky Yu.A.

Introduction. Erysipelas is characterized by consistently high morbidity rate, pronounced tendency to recur, the frequent change of lymph circulation, formation of secondary elephantiasis and others symptoms. The prediction of the course of erysipelas is unresolved problem yet. The change of immunological reactivity that depends on genetic characteristics of the individual was established to play the important role in the pathogenesis of erysipelas. The molecular investigation of erysipelas proves it to appear a genetic multifactorial disease. Aim was to study the genetic TLR4 (Asp299Gly) and TLR4 (Thr399Ile) polymorphism in healthy individuals and erysipelas patients. Methods. The study was performed in 93 erysipelas patients and 94 healthy residents. The TLR4 gene polymorphism was detected by PCR method. Results. Homo- and heterozygous SNP of the TLR4 gene were conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p>0,05). Minor alleles (-299Gly and -399Ile) were found to be registered in erysipelas patient less frequently by 6 or 7 times (respectively) than in in healthy persons. The patients who carried homozygous TLR4 (Asp299Asp and Thr399Thr) were observed in 90% of cases. At that Homozygous TLR4 (Gly299Gly and Ile399Ile) were observed in any case.In this case, among the patients, no cases of the carriage of the mutant genotypes TLR4 Gly299Gly and Ile399Ile were detected. Conclusion. Major alleles of TLR4 (-299Asp and -399Thr) and genotypes (Asp299Asp and Thr399Thr) predispose to the development of erysipelas. Carriership of the allele of TLR4 (-299Gly and -399Ile) and genotypes (Gly299Gly and Ile399Ile) decrease the probability of the development of erysipelas.
Erysipelas, SNP, toll-like receptors, genetic polymorphism, TLR4 (Asp299Gly), TLR4 (Thr399Ile)

Список литературы: 
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