I.A. Miroshkina, E.O. Ionova, A.V. Sorokina, V.N. Stolyaruk, M.B. Vititnova, I.B. Tsorin, L.G. Kolik, S.A. Kryzhanovskii, A.D. Durnev Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Baltiyskaya Street, 8, Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of death in persons withchronic alcoholism. This disease is caused by ethanolinduced toxic damage to the heart muscle, which leads to dilated heart failure and the development of the electric myocardium instability. The study of new original drugs reducing the severity of the dilated heart failure and having the pronounced antiarrhythmic activity is actual. The aim of the study. The comparative study of the р-FОХinhibitortrimetazidine and σ1-receptor agonistfabomotizole hydrochloride сardioprotective effectin the alcoholic cardiomyopathy translation model in white nonlinear abstinent rats. Methods. Fabomotizole hydrochloride andtrimetazidinewere introduced intraperitoneally during 28 days in doses of 15 and 30 mg/kg/day, respectively. Cardioprotective effects of drugs were investigated with the use of echocardiographic, morphometric and electrophysiological methods. Results. Trimetazidine and fabomotizole hydrochloride are shown to contribute reverse remodeling of the left and right heart ventricules, restoring the normal geometry of the heart, normalizing the heart contractile function. In addition, fabomotizole hydrochloride increased the threshold of electric ventricular fibrillation. Conclusion. Fabomotizole hydrochloride and trimetazidine decrease the severity of dilated heart failure. Fabomotizole hydrochloride unlike trimetazidine restores the myocardium electrical stability
alcoholic cardiomyopathy, translation model, trimetazidine, fabomotizole hydrochloride, dilated heart failure, rats

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