J.А. Aliyev, L.A. Melikova, E.B. Mansurov, F.K. Aliyeva, E.E. Bagirova, S.Q. Mexdizade, A.S. Nadjafova National Center of Oncology, Zardabi Str., 79B, Baku, AZ1012, Azerbaijan E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. Breast cancer is the leading cancer type among woman of Azerbaijan population. Hereditary mutations of the BRCA1/2 genes are considered as high risk for appeared breast and ovarian cancers. In Azerbaijan BRCA1/2-related breast and ovarian cancer were not investigated. Aim. The study is focused to detect BRCA1/2 germline mutation-associated breast and ovarian cancer in the Azerbaijan population. Method. DNA isolation from peripheral blood samples was performed with «colon» method. Detection of BRCA1/2 mutation was conducted using allele – specifics PCR and allele – specifics primers. Results. BRCA1_5382insC, BRCA1_5622T, BRCA1_185delAG and BRCA2_ 6174T mutations were more spreading point mutations among the breast and ovarian cancer patients. BRCA2_9254 del5 mutationin BRCA2 gene could not be detected using method and primers. Conclusion. Allele – specifics PCR and allele – specifics primers that were used in this study can be effectively used for the selection of BRCA1/2-related breast and ovarian cancer.
breast and ovarian cancer, activating point mutation of BRCA1/2 genes, BRCA1/2-related breast and ovarian cancer, allele-specific PCR and primers

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