DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/24999490-2019-05-03

V.E. Suprunchuk, E.V. Denisova North-Caucasus Federal University, Pushkina str., 1a, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]

The growing interest in the group of highly sulfated heteropolysaccharides, defined as fucoidans, is due to a wide spectrum of their biological activity. The expansion of the direction of their application is associated with the search for applications in the development of medicinal materials, in particular, the targeted drug delivery system. The main types of nano- and microstructural systems created using fucoidan are objects formed by the electrostatic attraction forces of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (layer-by-layer adsorption, polyelectrolyte complexes), emulsions, metal-polymer complexes. The use of fucoidan as a coating for bio magnets also allows its application in theranostics. The resulting carriers containing fucoidan, are applicable for targeted delivery of therapeutic agents such as doxorubicin, curcumin, poly-L-lysine, low molecular weight anti-TB drugs, etc. The shipping method also varies. There are developing carriers with the use of fucoidan for oral, inhalation, intravenous route of administration. However, such systems have low toxicity, are biodegradable. Degradation products do not accumulate in the body but are metabolized. In addition, it is possible to obtain a hollow matrix with a high degree of loading. All this will expand the possibilities of the use of this polysaccharide in the pharmaceutical industry and clinical therapy.
fucoidan, targeting, fucospheres, magnetite, capsulation

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