K.A. Pazinenko(1), M.V. Smetanina(1), N.N. Chuchkova(1), O.M. Kanunnikova(2), N.V. Kormilina(1), 1-Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Kommunarov, 281, Izhevsk, 426056, Russian Federation; 2-Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy, Tatyany Baramziny str., 4, Izhevsk, 426067, Russian Federation Е-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The therapeutic effect of orotic acid (OA) is limited by the low absorption of the drug from the gАСТrointestinal tract, which can be overcome when the drug is processed by mechanical activation. The aim of the study is a comparative experimental research of the action of mechano-modified orotic acid in the conditions of hepatopathy caused by hyperhomocysteinemia. Methods. Preparations of orotic acid were administered in the initial form (IOA) and after mechanical activation (MOA) to white outbred rats with hyperhomocysteinemia. The blood was examined for liver enzymes, bilirubin, cytological blood analysis was performed. Histological research included calculation of density of cell location, the area of the functional parenchyma, the nuclear apparatus, the microvascular bed (100 µm2). Results. The use of MOA shows the more pronounced reduction of АЛТ – by 1.5 times; AP – 1.2 times; total bilirubin – 1.2 times (p
mechano-modified form of orotic acid, homocysteine-induced hepatopathy, liver enzymes, hepatocytes

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