DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.29296/24999490-2022-03-09

N.I. Chalisova(1, 2), E.A. Nikitina(1, 3), E.O. Gutop(2), N.V. Fridman(2)
1-Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, Makarova emb., 6, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
2-Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Dynamo pr., 3, Saint Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation;
3-Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Moika River Emb.,48, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation

Introduction. The creation of peptide bioregulators that contribute to the preservation of the basic physiological functions of the body is an urgent task of modern biology and medicine. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of polypeptide complexes (PPCs) isolated from the ovaries, muscles and vessels of calves on the growth of skin cells of young and old rats. Methods. Organotypic cultivation of rat skin tissue was carried out under the action of various PPCs. The growth of skin tissue was calculated by the area index (IP). The expression of proliferation markers (PCNA) and apoptosis (p53) was evaluated by immunocytochemistry. Results. All the studied demonstrated the statistically significantly increased the area index (IP) of skin explants in young rats by 30–49% and in old animals by 20–28%. The expression of p53 protein decreased in the skin explants of young and old rats by 20–30% and 17–27%, respectively under the action of PPCs. PCNA protein expression in skin cultures obtained from young and old animals increased by 22–39% and 19–31% respectively after adding PPCs adding. Conclusion. The obtained data create the base for the development of new substances based on the studied PPCs that contribute to the correction of pathology and age-related skin changes.
polypeptide complexes, organotypic culture of skin tissue, aging, p53, PCNA.

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