DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/24999490-2022-06-07

N.V. Orlova(1), A.N. Muraviov(1, 2), A.А. Gorelova(1, 3), A.N. Remezova(1), T.I.
Vinogradova(1), N.M. Yudintceva(4), Y.A. Nashchekina(4), P.K. Yablonsky(1, 3)
1-Saint-Petersburg State Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation,
Ligovsky Ave., 2–4, Saint-Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation;
2-Private University «Saint-Petersburg Medico-Social Institute», Kondratievsky Ave., 72, lit. A, 195272, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation;
3-Saint-Petersburg University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
4-Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of sciences (RAS), Tikhoretsky Ave., 4, Saint-Petersburg, 194064, Russian Federation

The article describes the results of an experimental study of tissue-engineering constructions based on lactic acid – poly-L,L-lactide, containing allogeneic cells of various tissue origin. Aim: to show experimentally the possibility of using an allogeneic tissue-engineered graft to replace a defect in the bladder wall. Material and methods: the study was performed on male Chinchilla rabbits (n=15), which, after resection of the bladder, underwent augmentation cystoplasty with tissue-engineered constructions (TECs) consisting of a polylactide matrix reinforced with silk fibroin and populated with smooth muscle cells with urothelium, fibroblasts, and mesenchymal stem cells. Results: in 100% of cases of partial bladder replacement with a cell-free matrix or scaffolds containing smooth myocytes with urothelium and fibroblasts, an implant was rejected with a different severity of the inflammatory reaction and a decrease in the capacity of the bladder. Only in the group with mesenchymal stem cells TEC, on the contrary, in 5 cases out of 6 lysis of the matrix occurred, the capacity of the bladders 2,5 months post-surgery was comparable to the preoperative one. At the implantation site, an area of the modified mucous membrane with signs of vascularization was determined. Histologically, the initial stages of reparation and angiogenesis were revealed. With confocal microscopy of cryosections at the implantation site, labeled cells are identified that are involved in the formation of a structure similar to the urothelium. Conclusion: the effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cells applying as part of a tissue-engineering product for partial replacement of the bladder wall has been shown. There are a number of pathological conditions in urology that require bladder replacement, primarily of a tumor and infectious nature, in which autologous material cannot be used to create a tissue-engineered construction. Such situations dictate necessity for further development of implants using allogeneic cells.
allogeneic transplantation, bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells, bladder, tissue engineering

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